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James Matthew Wier was born prematurely on August 6th, 1973. He was a loving, caring, helpful and musically gifted person . He survived so many close calls with death during his life that I started to take for granted that James could go through anything and end up all right. It seemed destiny was to prove me wrong. On the ninth of July in 1998, having been declared brain dead, James died prematurely at 24 years of age . |
A Glimpse into the life of James Wier
While crossing the street on his bike,James was hit by a pick up truck which was running the red light. He was 11.
A telephone repairman witnessed the accident and tried to give James a ride home. Since he had always been told to never accept a ride from a stranger, he refused and walked home. The best the repairman could do is follow along side James and tell us what happened, saying James had been hit pretty hard, and advising that a doctor check the child over. He had physical therapy for several years but was plagued with constant back problems the rest of his life. Most people were unaware of his back pain for he did not let it slow him down and he never complained about it.
In high school James took honors courses including honors band and jazz band. He earned many academic and music awards. He could play the alto, tenor and baritone saxophone and some piano and guitar. He also wrote short stories, poems, music and composed his own sheet music.
James was in the National Beta Club and the National Honor Society. He graduated with honors in 1991 from Lakeview Centennial High School and received two scholarships-The Amy Senato Memorial Scholarship (which now has become The LCHS Band Scholarship in Memory of Amy Senato and James Wier / Band Awards ) and a $3500. scholarship from The University of Texas.
He dropped out of college after his father was laid off from his job with the intent to eventually go back. He had wanted to be a band director.
On December 19th, 1991 around 2 in the morning, we were
unaware that our attic was engulfed by fire until it dropped down into the den, and the wall exploding out. James had to pull me out of the house after I had run back in to find our 11 year old cat. He also dodged a fire ball when he had tried to water down the den with the garden hose.
In July of '93 he was married-for a very brief time and in the early part of 1998, James woke up to find the wires to his water heater burned, and the back of the wall scorched..
James was always willing to lend a helping hand. Whether it was to climb the tree and cut branches, get on the roof to fix something, or housesit our animals while on vacation, we could depend on James. I had not realized until he had died, how many things I took for granted that James had always helped us with doing around the house.
James was a born again Christian, far from perfect, but he knew the ONE who is and cleansed his heart.
James was a compassionate, generous, and kind hearted soul who befriended everyone. He was always taking home stray kittens and giving homeless people a place to stay. . We loved James very much and miss him.
July 2nd, 1998, we were on vacation when I called to see how my mother was doing and tell her where we were staying .Much to my surprise, my brother answered the phone, but to my horror, in the background I could hear the paramedics trying to revive my mother. She died on route to the hospital. We immediately called our son and daughter in law, David and Kelly, and then called James who had been staying at our house( with his 2 cats) babysitting our menagerie of animals. He opted to clean up the place (more or less) and go back to his own home. We arrived at our house in the wee early hours of the morning.
July 4th,
1998, James calls to checkup on how I was doing. Oh God, if I had known this was
to be my last conversation with him, I would have memorized each word and burned
it into my very soul! Before going into work to wrap things up, he let me know
he had arranged to take off the rest of the week and would
see me later.....
If only I had
kept him on the line longer .............or shorter...if only !! If only !!!This
will forever haunt me
I told him I loved him...he said he loved me...and we said goodbye..........and
hung up the phone.James Wier
for new Hope
We were
finishing my mother's funeral arrangements when our front door was flung open
and in rushed our daughter in law, Kelly, with her sister Miki, (who James had
been dating along with a couple of others).
I could tell on the looks of their faces something was very wrong. They
told us a chaplain from Methodist Hospital had called and said James had been
airlifted there, and had been in an extremely serious accident!
I screamed for my husband, David and ran off to tell him back in his office. My mind was racing.....inside I was screaming...I couldn't think....concentrate....someone dialed the hospital for us...a doctor told us to get their as fast as possible and would meet us at the ICU to talk to us.......James Wier
When did I realize that James had been airlifted? Was it on the way to the hospital? Inside the hospital? I don't know....I can't remember...all I know is the steel, cold realization of what this may mean feels like i am being pummeled by spears straight to my heart. .My adrenaline is pumping...everything seems so surreal...sharper...on a different plane. .somehow I have stepped into a play...I keep trying to concentrate...I can't !! I can't !!
I try to use the cell phone...I am shaking so badly I can't seem to get a connection...and when I do...no one is home...we try....David trys a few more numbers...we can't get a hold of anyone. It is the fourth of July. Everyone is out with friends at the lake...in preparation of the fireworks to come later....Where is everyone!!!!We keep jerking the phone away from each other...we leave frantic messages on answering machines all over town. We also have been unable to get in touch with our daughter, Shannon.
We finally find our way to the correct hospital floor and the ICU. .who did we
finally talk to first? I still don't remember. What I do remember is talking to
James' trauma doctor. Thank God for this man. Dr. Alex Santos. We were blessed
to have this doctor who
was patient and understanding... genuinely cared...and calmly repeated over and
over to us the extent of James' injuries .How many times he must have said over
the course of the next 4 days that it was normal for us not to be able to retain
most, and often all of what was being told to us and not to be embarrassed about
asking to have it repeated. It was our way of handling the shock. It is too
awful to be able to take it all in at once, so our brain protects us by not
letting it all be remembered at once.greif
He told us James probably was driving on the highway about 60 miles an hour ....and due to a previous
accident, an 18 wheeler was stopped at the bottom of a hill,
straddling two lanes on the highway .James hydroplaned
into the back of the semi trailer, with another car hitting James from behind.
My son ended up under the semi .The 18 wheelers axle was broken ,the driver, Lonzo
Lane jr, all right. My son's car was a crumpled mess of steel.grief
James already had irreversible brain damage upon impact , his body starting to go into seizures. ,He had a depressed compound fracture, with his skull fractured in 3 places. We learned that it took quite a while for the police to show up. The truck driver did not call the police. Careflite flew him to the hospital. . Both of his eyes were dilated ,and uneven ,a sure sign of brain damage. He was posturing ,meaning abnormal muscle movements, another sign of severe brain damagegrief
Santos tries to prepare us for how James will look...but no amount of words
could ever describe how he really looked when we walked into the ICU room.
It was hard to believe this could
really be him. Only a few short hours ago, hadn't he promised to drop over after
work? Please God, no, not Jamie!!
and bereavement bereaved parents
James Wier mourning July 4 accident Lighthouse for
New Hope
There James was lying so still, barely recognizable, his head big and swollen,
and part of his thick brown hair had been shaved off, replaced by a hideous bolt
that jutted out from his forehead. One eye was partially cracked open, never
blinking, only a shattered black pupil engulfed the eye .Stitches sewed up a
huge, angry gash from his forehead down to his cheek. His face and eyes were
black and blue .His hair was matted with blood and I saw that there was
crusts of blood in his ears and nose, almost every facial bone was broken, his
skull was crushed.Tubes were coming out from everywhere. In
the background ,we heard the sadistic whoosh whoosh of the
ventilator softly mocking us. Tubes from his mouth carried out black globs of
bile. An array of lights danced overhead on the monitors screen. I was to learn
what each number meant...as each hour went by , I dreaded looking up at the
changing numbers, , yet I dreaded not doing it either .James' brain kept
swelling...like shaking baby syndrome. As long as the brain kept swelling,
the brain damage kept being compounded. Medication was not helping in reducing
the swelling. His cranial pressure fluctuated, but kept
4 David
,Lisa ,Shannon death
and dying grieving parents Lakeview Centennial HighSchool
Garland texas
James was in a deep coma next to brain death as you can be. He did still have reflex responses but there never was a time James tried to breathe on his own and my insides cringed when I watched the tubes being changed. When the ventilator stopped, so did his breathing, once the new tubes were inserted, the machine started, then and only then did his breathing resume. The day it looked like good news-his cranial pressure was down....something we had been hoping and praying about ,we were told it was because he was vomiting up pieces of his brain. The nurse ( not our favorite one) explained to us (My GOD!!!!WHAT she said !! I wanted to shout and scream and take James home right now...but wanting the doctors and nurses to help him, all this going on inside my head at once .I wanted to let out the most hurt and agonizing scream that I could. .instead we just mutely stood there ,in shocked silence listening ) she said because of the breaks in his skull and pointing to her throat, she said it was falling down into the throat. .so when he vomited up pieces of his brain, the cranial pressure went down. James was also vomiting up fluid from his brain. What that looks like is forever seared and etched upon my very being. Oh my poor son!! This can't be happening!!!! Don't you understand! I had just spoken to him...he was just going to work...it was daytime ,the traffic was light due to the holiday. .he finally had a car that I felt he was safe in, instead of those old clunkers he used to have ,he was grown...you worry about them as teenage drivers...he always used his seatbelt....he was just on his way to work. James Weir,James Wier,James Weir,Lakeview Centennial highschool,,Garland Texas,car accidents,wighteen wheelers,New Nope Funeral Home,Lighthouse for new Hope,,Lighthouse, New Hope, Lighthouses,Hope,New Nope,hope LighthousesLight,children,youth,support groups
Several of the neurologists offered no hope...Dr. Santos reassured us that he was going to give James a fighting chance ,and while he would take all the other drs opinions under advisement, he promised he would tell us when he felt there was no hope. ............ then that time came. support groups,youth,kids, teens,adults,grieving,spouse,widowed,widower,faith,God loves you,,trust in God,greif,greiving,grief,griving,beravement,bereaved,parents death,child's death,dying,James,Wier,Weir,Lighthouse for New Hope
I had to
attend my mother's funeral .A former and current girlfriend stayed by James'
side for me. Otherwise, I would not have stepped foot out of the hospital. I
went to pay my respects to my mother and on the way out , one of the
neurologists told us we needed to decide what day we were going to take James
off the life support. I thought David was going to hit the insensitive clod.(a
note here...this dr was the exception,for we found the doctors and nurses
in the ICU to be a group of compassionate and hardworking people who did
everything they could to try and save James.
They have our utmost respect...especially Dr. Alex Santos and nurse Catherine
compassionate friends
The family had decided it would be Friday when the life support would be removed. James was never going to get better. Would he want to stay like the way he was now? Of course not. It was doubted that he would ever reach brain death because of the skull fractures ,his brain had room to move around, instead of cutting off the oxygen supply to the brain stem. July 8th, we prayed that if James was not going to recover, for him to reach brain death where we would not have to make the decision.caring hearts,sudden loss,sudden death,semi-,tractor-trailor deaths,Lighthouse,The Lighthouse for New Hope,Lighthouse,LIghthouse,Lighthouse hope,grief groups,
ON that day I told James that he had been in a real bad accident and that he was hurt very bad and if this was too hard, it was okay to let go and be with Jesus in Heaven. I told him not to worry about us , and someday we would all be together again with him in Heaven (James had accepted Christ as his savior in junior high)my son has died,
,death,brain dead,brain dead,life
support,highway fatality,July 4 highway accidnet, New Hope Funeral ,New
Hope,Hope,Funeral,Lighthouse,Lighthouse HHope,Hope Lighthouse
Early on the morning of July 9th, James' cranial pressure reached in the high 80's ,the tests were given,
My son had
reached brain death on his own. It was 9:30 in the morning.The worst day of my
The gates of Heaven are opened and there must be a great rejoicing over there. I know my son is now REALLY. home...but I am still over here
Jamie has died!Jame
Wier,Jamie Wier,James Weir,James Wier
There are no adjectives to really convey my feelings on how I felt. No word too awful ,or invented to explain to others my agony. T o grasp how tormented you are seeing your child( once so alive,. .ALIVE ) ,well you just can't. You can't .I once thought I could imagine it ,but until it happened to me, I didn't have a clue to how it felt in the slightest. sorrow ,devastated,heart broken,support groups,help for grief,
Friends and loved ones said their final good byes to James.ames. James Wier, Lisa Wier, Shannon Wier,David C.Wier,Garland,Texas,,David Wier,DavidWeir,Wier,Weir,hope,
We had already spoken to our other children on their feelings on donating James' organs. and were all in agreement We knew that James was in Heaven, only his body left here. How could we bury healthy organs 6 feet under the ground when they could mean a long healthy life for others ?We requested for the hospital to get in touch with the transplant co ordinator for us .The organ recovery team would arrive at 2 am. It was now midnight ,and we would be going in to see James one last time.I guess you can call this next thing a "mommy thing".....I insisted on staying after the rest of my family had said their good byes ,and I would wait with James until the recovery crew arrived. .I felt that I was there to welcome him into this world ,I would...see him out of this one too.southwest transplant alliance,organ donation,transplants,organ transplants,recipients,organ recipients,transplant,Southwest Transplant Alliance,Giving and Living,harevesting organs,gift of life,transplant gift of life,organ donor
I talked to James .I sang to him.....old and familiar hymns. I touched his face,
his chest his hands his knees ,his toes...I told him how much we loved him
so and how he was so special...I laid my head on his chest and listened to
the beat of his heart. A heart that had once been growing inside me and grew up
and lived too short of a life with James. . I felt the warmth of his
body and knew it would not be too much longer when...( Jamie please don't
die, I silently screamed. I need you. We all do. You are part of us. and then
just ,James I am so, so , sorry you had to go through all this .You deserved so
much better, At last now ,in Heaven you will find love ,joy
happiness and a peace that I can't begin to imagine, and your body won't
be all broken ..
.I wanted time to stand still ,or at least go very slowly....it went all
too fast.
Then I had to leave the room...forever.
While the story of James' life on earth
ends here; for others ,,the stories of their lives will continue. Thanks to organ
donations and transplants. James was an organ donor. He helped a multitude of
people. A little 6 year old boys eyesight was restored ,a 54 year old man now has
a strong healthy heart, a 47 year old lady has one healthy kidney and new liver now, and a 37
year old man ,has a healthy kidney now also.
As he had helped others during his life ,he
will continue to help others through his death.
I miss you James! I love you so
much!recipients remember James!kidney transplants,heart transplants,cornea
October 2001
I have read the deposition of the truck driver, Lonzo Lane
jr. and find to my shock that this man, when he finally makes
his way to see what kind of condition my son is in, DOESN'T EVEN
BOTHER TO CALL THE POLICE !! Nor did he have a
clue as to who called them. A compassionate nurse had
stopped to render aid and got to my son before " Lonnie"
Lane did!! .Just how long would it take you to get out and check on the
person who went under your vehicle?? Thank God other people didn't take
for granted that this professional truck driver had called the
July 2002 It has been four years now since I heard James' voice ,given him a hug, seen his face. It has been a long ,hard journey filled with countless tears and sleepless nights. Few mention James at all any more. Why is it when someone marries we all celebrate, but when someone dies we act if nothing has happened? While the gut wrenching tears have ended, and visions of the accident do not haunt my every waking minute, what continues on (and in the hearts of every parent who have lost a child) is the fear that James is being forgotten. tractor-trailor fatalities,eighteen wheelers,truck drivers,safety,underride deaths,Trucks,holiday deaths,
If you know someone who has lost a child, the
best gift you could give, is to let them know you remember the birthday,
and especially the death date.
A simple phone call acknowledging these
dates, and letting your friends know that YOU are aware how rough these
days are for the bereaved parent, means so very much!!!!! Silence
makes us feel like everyone has either forgotten or just doesn't care about the
importance of these dates .It invalidates our child's life. Try to remember that
for the rest of our earthly life we will Never see our child again.
September 7, 2004
SIx years have gone by now, and it has been a remarkable journey, a
difficult one for any mother to have to make, and a day doesn't go by that I
don't think about James .Birthdays are still terribly difficult, anniversaries,
weddings, a new grandbaby, all are tinged with sadness for the one who is not
their to experience these things with his family. I still don't hear from family
members on James' birthday or the day of his death, or even seem to be aware at
holiday times I am missing him. You don't get over the loss of a child, but you
learn to live differently, incorporate ways for you to keep your child a part of
your ongoing family.A memorial site is one example,Every Christmas I have an
angel tree in the entry way where I exchange angels and other ornaments
with others who have suffered a loss,We read "James;Christmas Wreath:every
Christmas, it has become a tradition, I am able to have all the stockings hung,
and ask people just to write a note and drop it into James' stocking .The notes
remain there unread.
AND yes, I do enjoy life, and I don't cry every day, but there are still some
dark moments, few and far between, mostly around the time of his death and
God Has Not Forgotten You
For those parents who have recently lost a child, I promise you that there will come a time when you will not cry all the time...there will be a day that will go by that you don't fall apart....then two.....Bible,read the Bible,Trust God,Jesus loves you,dying children
There will come a time when you will feel things again...and care about things again... laugh at things again .No not in the same way that you use to, but you will learn to live with this "new normal" way of life..
More Pages about James Wier
How to include your loved one at the holidays parents to comfort,and give hopedeath of achild
Helpful Resources About Grief Grief Resources
Funshine Pages
Happy Birthday Shannon Michelle Helms!!!
My Grand daughter's Pages (Brittany Wier)
Our New Addition December 9th 2002
The Easter Egg Story
![]() ![]() ope Funeral home, Lighthouse for New Hope, |
pe,Southwest Transplant Alliance,PamSilvestri
I am one of the grief facilitators and a board member at The LightHouse for New Hope
youth are hurting, our families are grieving, our senior citizens are mourning.
The most vulnerable in our community need a place to turn. None of us can escape
the pain of grief and loss. Our vision at The Lighthouse for New Hope is to
establish a facility that will be there for our community when loss occurs.
We gladly accept donations
Lighthouse for New Hope,Lighthouse fo hope,HopeLighthouse,grief support groups,youth are hurting,teens are hurting,parents mourning,a safe haven,haven,a place to run to ,support groups,Our Savior Lutheran Church,
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This RingSurf Net Ring is owned by Lisa Wier. In Memory of James Matthew Wier
support Groups for every age,LightHousefor Hope,
New Hope Funeral Hope